I cut through the clutter to deliver results!
Dizajn je moja strast. Zaradi najboljše ekipe se vsak dan učim in rastem.
Prizadevam si ustvariti preproste, pristne in učinkovite uporabniške izkušnje. Všeč so mi vmesniki brez težav, čista koda in strokovna izvedba, dizajn, kot mora biti.
Poskušam ne preveč komplicirati preprostih stvari. Enkrat ali dvakrat mi je uspelo :D
"Good design is as little design as possible" -
Dieter Rams
Specializiram se v preoblikovanju kompleksnih idej v dobro oblikovane, uspešne izdelke in blagovne znamke, s katerimi se ljudje radi interaktivno ukvarjajo.
Obožujem strukturo in red ter se zavzemam za kakovost.
Odlično se počutim, če zapletene probleme spreminjam v preproste obvladljive dele.
The SIMS cheats and mods is what inspired me to become a developer.
Ni težav...
samo izzivi.
Veš, da si tester, ko pisarna izgubi napajanje in vsi gledajo, kaj si naredil.
Chasing bugs since 79’
Favorite quote “The only good bug is a dead bug!”
“First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.” - John Johnson
Improviziraj. Prilagodi. Premagaj.
A bits and bytes self-starter, who fantasises about debugging the way detectives get anxious about missed clues. The bugs usually end up dead. Best not to ask any questions.
Kljub mnogim letom sem ohranil nagajivo otroško iskrivost.
Kot discipliniran in strasten razvijalec programske opreme sem predan nenehni osebni in poklicni rasti ter uspevam v hitrih okoljih.
Balancing people and projects
“If it works, don't touch it. This is the way.”
“Hello World!” enthusiast.
Manual QA who doesn’t like to break things, but she doesnt’t have a choice.
Welcoming challenges keeps me on my toes, continuously engaged in solving their mysteries.
In the world of bits and bytes, I craft success stories as an IT project manager—where challenges fuel innovation and triumphs are the destination.
In pursuit of perfection, chasing bugs to elevate user satisfaction.
Oblikujem z namenom, združujem estetiko in funkcionalnost, da ustvarim digitalni svet, ki odraža mojo zavezanost boljši prihodnosti.
Edini način za odlično delo je, da ljubiš to, kar delaš.
Research. Ideate. Prototype. Test. Learn. Repeat.
HESOYAM all the way!
Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risk, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun.” - Mary Lou Cook
QA testing: Because every line of code is guilty until proven innocent.
Only when one catches their tail can one understand the circle of life